Thursday, July 17, 2008

Something I Forgot to Remember

I remembered something after posting my blog about our Kentucky trip. I said in my blog that I had never had an accident (while I was the driver) except for being rear-ended. I had forgotten about the time I was probably 15 and my Mom was in the car with me. I was driving my brother Jason's new Neon. I was only about a quarter mile from our house, and had just turned past the fire station onto Lake Washington Road. This is what happened: My Mom's door flew open, she freaked out (like we were going to fall out of the car?) and started screeching at me. I was looking at her and freaking out also, and in the meantime I forgot to brake or steer or do anything that involved driving the vehicle. We veered off the road and crashed into the guard rail, which did a good job guarding us from going into the ditch. It crunched and scraped up all of the panels of my brother's car. My Mom could not get out of the vehicle and she was very flustered. (She could have crawled out of my side of the car, but whatever.) She told me to run home and get my brother (we could see my house on the corner from where we had wrecked). I ran home in an absolute panic, beat on his door (he was using the restroom), and scared him very much with my pale, panicked face. I think by the time he was able to assess the situation (no, our Mom was not dead or otherwise injured, but just sitting in the car; and yes, the car was still driveable, we were both just too worked up to use our heads and drive it back home) he was so relieved that he was not able to be mad at me about ruining his pretty car. He was very nice about the whole thing. He gave me a hug and told me it was okay.
I guess the good thing is that when I wreck cars that don't belong to me, I choose people who aren't going to be mean to me about it.

1 comment:

Lara Anne Morgan said...

That is so funny! How have I never heard that story before?? I cannot stop obsessing about my puppy--I just keep staring at the pictures of her...sigh...