Sunday, November 4, 2007

We can live with it, Daddy!

Last week, Dave broke our TV by dropping it face first on the new wood floor! Honestly, my first concern was the floor. The screen did not break, so we thought it was okay. After I finished painting, we went to move it back and plug it back in, and realized that now there are green and purple splotches in the top two corners of any shows we watch. Dave is pretty upset about it, probably because he was the one who dropped it, but I just did not see what the big deal was. I mean, don't we all pretty much focus on the center of the screen?
While I was at church today (Dave and the kids stayed home sick!), Dave was checking out some TVs on Ebay when Jonathan walked in. J:Whatcha doin' Daddy? D:Looking at new TVs, buddy. J:Why? D:Because our TV's broken. J:But we can live with it, Daddy!
I guess he must have overheard me reassuring Dave that we can live with it being broken.

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