On her way to her last day of VPK for her graduation!

Pretty as a picture.

We are so proud of our baby girl!

The wonderful Mrs. Hoffmann. She taught Jonathan and Anna. We will miss her and will always be grateful for her love and guidance of our children!

Anna loved the scrapbook they made her of her year of Pre-K.

She was checking out her graduation picture. :)

At this point, Anna wanted to eat. She was not all about the pictures. :) Nona Donna, Mama, and Anna.

Anna with Mrs. Hallsworth, who also taught Jonathan. We will always be so grateful that our children had her in their lives during their preschool years. We love you, First Friends! Thanks for all you've done for our babies! Now, on to the big K for our Anna! I know she will handle it like she handles everything else, headfirst and no fear and all in! :) She couldn't be any different than I was at this age, but I couldn't be any prouder of her. You go, Anna Banana!
PS When she walked the stage, they announced she wants to become a chef. In her graduation scrapbook, she said a teacher. For months before that, she said a missionary pilot. I think when you are five years old, it is important to keep your options wide open!