When I choose your checkout line, I expect a certain amount of discretion and respect. When I place my Symphony bar, box of Twinkies, and box of cherry fruit pies on the belt, I would simply like you to ring my purchase up without comment, take my money, and let me go home. When you instead choose to comment, LOUDLY, "WOW! All goodies, huh! Are these ALL FOR TONIGHT?, and I respond in a quiet, INDOOR voice, No, they aren't for me, you have a choice here: You could choose to sense my tone, and just shut UP, or you could instead carry on LOUDLY about how yummy ALL of my treats look and express AGAIN in a knowing voice, that I will, indeed consume them ALL TONIGHT. I wonder, do you really, truly think that I am going to consume TWO entire boxes of Hostess snacks, and a Symphony chocolate bar in one sitting? Do you really, really think this? How fat do I look to you?
I tell you, no they really aren't for me, they are for my Dad. You say SURE THEY ARE and you wink at me. You actually FREAKING WINK at me.
I really do appreciate your chipper, upbeat attitude. That is why I choose your line every time I come in the store. I really do appreciate the fact that you actually attempt eye contact and conversation with your customers, and normally, really, I find you quite delightful. But here's the thing: You're skinny. I'm fat. Therefore, you have absolutely NO call to comment on my purchases, especially if you think that I am probably a binge eater and most likely a bulimic too. I would expect the same confidential discretion if you were ringing up, say, my box of prophylactics and my pregnancy test. I would not expect you to comment loudly and publicly shame me. But, this is what you do... And how do I respond? Instead of just staring you down, and saying with my eyes, Yep, I'm fat. This is what fat people do... This is how it happens. Just stay away from the entire boxes of Little Debbie's and you won't suffer the same fate... You can remain your tidy little size zero, and I will stomp in here late at night in my size 14 and make my secret purchases... No, I'm not this cool! Instead, I get all guilty.... and defensive.
No, really, I say! These are really for my Dad. I mean, the chocolate bar, that's for me (IT'S NOT A KING SIZE!) but the other goodies, those are for him, because he asked me to get them. For him. Tonight. Because he, um, he is going to eat them.
You just keep smiling at me, nodding your head, Mmm-hmmm, SURE they are for your DAD. RIGHT....
Sensing you really don't believe me, (and really, my face is bright red and I am yammering on and on, I can't blame you) I tell you this: He's diabetic. He needs these.
Um, yeah. Saying this out loud, I hear how ridiculous it sounds... But, Skinny Girl, they really are for him. I am telling the truth. I know buying my diabetic dad 2 boxes of Little Debbie's makes me sound really, really sad... but it is the sad truth. And really, we are in a Walmart neighborhood grocery store. Can any of this really phase you? Half the people in here are in their pajamas. At least I am wearing actual clothing. And shoes. Why are my trashy snack foods such a shocking purchase to you, anyways? I mean, surely you have seen more notable combinations come through your line... probably already this evening. Like someone buying some BBQ pork rinds, a $3.88 bottle of "wine," and a Star magazine? Why can't you just let me make my purchases in peace, Skinny Girl? Why all the judgement???
This is why we can never be friends. This is why I will probably never pick your line again...
I love your bubbly personality, Skinny Girl, but you crossed a line tonight. Part of me wanted to park the car, go back inside and tell you, Look!!! but then the part of me that had snarfed down the Symphony bar before I even left the parking lot, the same part of me that had chocolate all over my too-tight shirt, thought, Really, what's the point? You'll never believe me...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Blueberry Jam Stuff (for Lara)
In a saucepan, over medium heat combine:
1 package frozen blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
Heat until bubbling and hot (you may have to turn heat up and stir).
Then add:
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 Tablespoons (or less) of cornstarch
And continue stirring and heating until bubbly and thick (until it coats the back of a spoon).
I have used mixed berries, strawberries, or a combo of any berries... Taste test it because depending on what brand or type of berries I use, I have to add more or less sugar, and sometimes I have to vary the amounts of cornstarch and water.
Basically, what it boils down to, is that there is no recipe!
I pour it in a gravy boat or a creamer and use it to pour over pancakes and waffles hot.
Then I put it in fridge, where it thickens overnight, and makes excellent jam to put over toast or English Muffins.
1 package frozen blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
Heat until bubbling and hot (you may have to turn heat up and stir).
Then add:
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 Tablespoons (or less) of cornstarch
And continue stirring and heating until bubbly and thick (until it coats the back of a spoon).
I have used mixed berries, strawberries, or a combo of any berries... Taste test it because depending on what brand or type of berries I use, I have to add more or less sugar, and sometimes I have to vary the amounts of cornstarch and water.
Basically, what it boils down to, is that there is no recipe!
I pour it in a gravy boat or a creamer and use it to pour over pancakes and waffles hot.
Then I put it in fridge, where it thickens overnight, and makes excellent jam to put over toast or English Muffins.
Anna's First Day of School
Getting in her carseat with her backpack and lunchbox.
About to walk out the door!
Anna and me, all ready to get in the car and go...
She picked all of her clothes, including these intentionally mismatched socks. She wanted to wear 1 My Little Pony and 1 Hello Kitty sock.
Anna will be going to school 3 mornings a week this year.
Anna was all smiles when I picked her up at lunch time. Her teacher said she had a great first day and did lots of artwork and letters. Now we are home watching Calliou on PBS and I am making her a baked potato for lunch. We leave to pick up Jonathan in 2 hours! Anna will be dropped off at 8:15 for before care from now on, and some days she will stay for Lunch Bunch. But never on Wednesday because she has dance right after preschool dismissal! This coming Monday I will have no kids from 8:15 until 2 PM. Isn't that fabulous?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Today we had a lot of fun at the New Hope Band cookout/picnic! We went right after church teardown (where we tear our church down... we are portable, but teardown is sort of a violent word for it, I think) and had a delicious meal. I ate way too much, but there was so many yummy homemade things to eat, like potato salad and devilled eggs and banana pudding (!) and chips and dip and cookies and rice krispy treats... everything was so good.
There were tons of little ones there, from babies to teens, and our kids had SO much fun. They were climbing trees and wrestling and climbing and just running around like crazy. Jonathan claims he saw an alligator in the pond at the house we were at. I think he thinks he saw an alligator, but I am hoping it was more like a clump of weeds. We got home and I went back to bed, because my cosmic bowling induced migraine was back... I had the worst headache yesterday and this morning, too. It set in when we were at the bowling alley. Sometimes simple stage lights at church have triggered one, and I was already having the visual disturbances that warn me before we got to the alley, so I should have know all the flashy, blinky lights would have sent me over the edge into a full-fledged migraine. I have not had one in so long! But it subsided enough for me to enjoy myself at church and at the picnic. I took a nap and then I woke up, and we made breakfast for dinner. Dave made waffles and I cooked apple maple sausages and made blueberry jam stuff (cook frozen blueberries, sugar, vanilla, and cornstarch on stove until hot and bubbly, so good over pancakes or waffles, and then refrigerate overnight and spread on toast...). We served the waffles with syrup, powdered sugar, caramel syrup, and blueberries jam stuff. It was delish. Also, the best thing to pull together for dinner since I did not grocery shop or meal plan yet for this week.
Jonathan is so excited because after three more Fridays of school, we are going to let him get a pet. I told him after a month of kindergarten he could get a pet. He wore us down with his cuteness. Or, rather, he wore me down, and now I am wearing Dave down. So yes, the Dooleys will have a rodent in their house. An invited, approved rodent, not an unwelcome, intrusive one. He is trying to decide between a gerbil and a party mouse (not sure why they are called party mice). We are going to let him hold some different rodents at a Incredible Pets, and we are going to go check some library books to do some research before our big purchase. At least gerbils and such are relatively cheap. I sort of want a bunny, but I swore I would never go back THERE again...
There were tons of little ones there, from babies to teens, and our kids had SO much fun. They were climbing trees and wrestling and climbing and just running around like crazy. Jonathan claims he saw an alligator in the pond at the house we were at. I think he thinks he saw an alligator, but I am hoping it was more like a clump of weeds. We got home and I went back to bed, because my cosmic bowling induced migraine was back... I had the worst headache yesterday and this morning, too. It set in when we were at the bowling alley. Sometimes simple stage lights at church have triggered one, and I was already having the visual disturbances that warn me before we got to the alley, so I should have know all the flashy, blinky lights would have sent me over the edge into a full-fledged migraine. I have not had one in so long! But it subsided enough for me to enjoy myself at church and at the picnic. I took a nap and then I woke up, and we made breakfast for dinner. Dave made waffles and I cooked apple maple sausages and made blueberry jam stuff (cook frozen blueberries, sugar, vanilla, and cornstarch on stove until hot and bubbly, so good over pancakes or waffles, and then refrigerate overnight and spread on toast...). We served the waffles with syrup, powdered sugar, caramel syrup, and blueberries jam stuff. It was delish. Also, the best thing to pull together for dinner since I did not grocery shop or meal plan yet for this week.
Jonathan is so excited because after three more Fridays of school, we are going to let him get a pet. I told him after a month of kindergarten he could get a pet. He wore us down with his cuteness. Or, rather, he wore me down, and now I am wearing Dave down. So yes, the Dooleys will have a rodent in their house. An invited, approved rodent, not an unwelcome, intrusive one. He is trying to decide between a gerbil and a party mouse (not sure why they are called party mice). We are going to let him hold some different rodents at a Incredible Pets, and we are going to go check some library books to do some research before our big purchase. At least gerbils and such are relatively cheap. I sort of want a bunny, but I swore I would never go back THERE again...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday: Bowling
Right before Janenne took the above shot of the Dooligans 4, I said, Smile like a human being! I wasn't kidding... the kids were giving some off the wall smiles. I love all of these pictures, and of course everyone enjoyed being photographed...while bowling. Because everyone looks super cool when they bowl, yes?

I have tried THREE times to rotate this picture. It rotates, and saves, and then when I upload, it is sideways. Strange, but I think it is too cute and I have to include it! Just tilt your head. Anna is 3 and Trystan is 4. They are only about 10 months apart, and Anna ADORES him. He likes her okay, too.

Anna adding some ballet moves to the dance mix.

Anna dancing it out with Trystan. Aren't they sweet? I love having my niece and nephew in town. The younger three are close in age, 3, 4, 5, and they get along well. Then there is Justine, who is the best kid around. She is a great big cousin to them and a big help. She just started sixth grade, and she is so beautiful, kind, and smart. I am a proud aunt! And so glad that she is such a good example for the little ones.

Justine, 11 years old, swinging Anna, 3, around.
Trystan and Anna... I think children wearing bowling shoes is one of the cutest sights ever! I actually really love bowling shoes. I think they are stylin', as my Mom would say.

Dave helping Anna out of her Skechers into her bowling shoes.

Summer of 2009 is over! School is back in session. They had lots of fun swimming and hanging out at Nona's this summer. From left, Justine, 11 years, Jonathan, 5 years, Trystan, 4 years, and Anna, 3 years.

Dave and Jon. I love my man and boy!

Again with the cousins. They are so good at posing for pics. Maybe crazy Aunt Jamie/Mama has given them a lot of practice over the years? Have you also noticed how super affectionate Anna is? She is VERY tactile and physically affectionate. Maybe I "messed" her up with all that nursing, nursing, nursing her for first 2+ years.
I have tried THREE times to rotate this picture. It rotates, and saves, and then when I upload, it is sideways. Strange, but I think it is too cute and I have to include it! Just tilt your head. Anna is 3 and Trystan is 4. They are only about 10 months apart, and Anna ADORES him. He likes her okay, too.
Anna adding some ballet moves to the dance mix.
Anna dancing it out with Trystan. Aren't they sweet? I love having my niece and nephew in town. The younger three are close in age, 3, 4, 5, and they get along well. Then there is Justine, who is the best kid around. She is a great big cousin to them and a big help. She just started sixth grade, and she is so beautiful, kind, and smart. I am a proud aunt! And so glad that she is such a good example for the little ones.
Justine, 11 years old, swinging Anna, 3, around.
Dave helping Anna out of her Skechers into her bowling shoes.
Summer of 2009 is over! School is back in session. They had lots of fun swimming and hanging out at Nona's this summer. From left, Justine, 11 years, Jonathan, 5 years, Trystan, 4 years, and Anna, 3 years.
Dave and Jon. I love my man and boy!
Again with the cousins. They are so good at posing for pics. Maybe crazy Aunt Jamie/Mama has given them a lot of practice over the years? Have you also noticed how super affectionate Anna is? She is VERY tactile and physically affectionate. Maybe I "messed" her up with all that nursing, nursing, nursing her for first 2+ years.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Working hard on her bumblebee painting.
After her preschool visit, we stopped and ate at Dustin's BBQ. We never go out for BBQ but I had a strange urge. Dave read Anna her new book that was a gift from her teachers. She loves to listen to books!
Now I am just hanging out by myself at home, with nothing but the sound of my windchimes in the background... Dave took Anna to get my oil changed in my car, and then they are going to go to pick up Jonathan from school. He jumped out of bed at 6 AM this morning, and when I staggered out at 6:30, he was jumping up and down on his bed and running around his room like a nut. (Am I the only normal one left in this family? Jonathan and I were always the grumpy, slow-to-rise ones!) I am looking forward to this weekend. We have a leadership meeting in the AM, and we are hoping to go bowling with my brother's family this weekend also. Sunday will be church, and then we have a band get-together afterwards. I am going to bring pasta salad, even though I really just want to make a cake or something sweet...
Maybe I'll make that, too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I picked Jonathan up from K a little while ago. I checked my watch all day long because I wanted to go get him already! I was so relieved when I saw him sitting down with the other kindergartners against the wall. I don't know what I really thought would happen to him. I think deep down I was afraid I was leaving him there forever or something! But no, sure enough, he was right there where I left him, in perfect condition. He even kept his clothes clean... When he got in the car, he seemed pretty chipper and I said, Did you have a good day? And he said, No! Actually... I had a GREAT day!!!
That makes me SO happy to hear! I am so grateful that he had a good day. He said, "We had computers, but we did not get to go to science lab or music today." Anna asked him, "Did you get to go to the park (meaning the playground)?" And he said, "Yes. We went to the playground, but I did not go on the playground." I asked him, "Why not?" And he said, "Well, there was a giant wasp on the playground so I was not going on there. I tried to tell the other kids that there was a giant wasp, because I thought that was pretty important, but they just went on the playground anyways. I guess they think playing is more important than wasps."
I passed some hand sanitizer into the backseat. He took it and said, "Oh, I really need this hanitizer (the kids both call it that) because there were A LOT of kids at my school. Like FOURTEEN. Or maybe TWENTY."
I asked him, "Did you eat your lunch?" And he said, "Yes! That was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I have EVER had!"
Anna said, "Did you do reading?" And he said, "Yes, I read a book. My teacher said I was reading, but I was not ACTUALLY reading the book, I just knew what it was about, colors, because of the pictures on the page. So I read a book but I was not actually reading a book."
He overheard me telling Dave on the phone, "I swear he is actually smarter."
He nodded his head, and said, "I am smarter. I got smarter at school."
Then I noticed his sticker on his shirt. I said what's that for? He said, "Hopefully, it is so my teachers will see it and know I am a car kid." Which is what it says: car kid. I tried to rip it off his shirt when we got inside, and he said, "No, Mama! You have to leave that on ALL THE TIME! How will they know I am a car kid?"
Should I transfer it to his pajamas and then to his tomorrow shirt in the morning? I am trying to convince him they will give him a new sticker tomorrow. But he wants to follow the rules, and he seems to understand that following rules is important to survival. He also told me not to take the bear tag off his backpack. The bear tag has information about what class your child belongs to and who is allowed to pick him up. Also, it is color coded so that Jonathan will be able to find his classroom once I start just dropping him off in the car loop. I think he has his Dad's direction sense, so I imagine he will find his classroom just fine by tomorrow. If not, he knows that he can ask one of the safety patrols or grownups. And I have to say, his school has the best and well, the most professional safety patrol I have ever seen at any elementary!
Really, it was the best first day of school we could have asked for. I am very pleased and proud.
That makes me SO happy to hear! I am so grateful that he had a good day. He said, "We had computers, but we did not get to go to science lab or music today." Anna asked him, "Did you get to go to the park (meaning the playground)?" And he said, "Yes. We went to the playground, but I did not go on the playground." I asked him, "Why not?" And he said, "Well, there was a giant wasp on the playground so I was not going on there. I tried to tell the other kids that there was a giant wasp, because I thought that was pretty important, but they just went on the playground anyways. I guess they think playing is more important than wasps."
I passed some hand sanitizer into the backseat. He took it and said, "Oh, I really need this hanitizer (the kids both call it that) because there were A LOT of kids at my school. Like FOURTEEN. Or maybe TWENTY."
I asked him, "Did you eat your lunch?" And he said, "Yes! That was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I have EVER had!"
Anna said, "Did you do reading?" And he said, "Yes, I read a book. My teacher said I was reading, but I was not ACTUALLY reading the book, I just knew what it was about, colors, because of the pictures on the page. So I read a book but I was not actually reading a book."
He overheard me telling Dave on the phone, "I swear he is actually smarter."
He nodded his head, and said, "I am smarter. I got smarter at school."
Then I noticed his sticker on his shirt. I said what's that for? He said, "Hopefully, it is so my teachers will see it and know I am a car kid." Which is what it says: car kid. I tried to rip it off his shirt when we got inside, and he said, "No, Mama! You have to leave that on ALL THE TIME! How will they know I am a car kid?"
Should I transfer it to his pajamas and then to his tomorrow shirt in the morning? I am trying to convince him they will give him a new sticker tomorrow. But he wants to follow the rules, and he seems to understand that following rules is important to survival. He also told me not to take the bear tag off his backpack. The bear tag has information about what class your child belongs to and who is allowed to pick him up. Also, it is color coded so that Jonathan will be able to find his classroom once I start just dropping him off in the car loop. I think he has his Dad's direction sense, so I imagine he will find his classroom just fine by tomorrow. If not, he knows that he can ask one of the safety patrols or grownups. And I have to say, his school has the best and well, the most professional safety patrol I have ever seen at any elementary!
Really, it was the best first day of school we could have asked for. I am very pleased and proud.
Thursday Jonathan's 1st Day of School!!!!
Jonathan with Daddy, waiting to go. He was suprised at how heavy his backpack was when he put it on! I think I packed enough lunch and snack to keep him fed and hydrated for a couple of days. I feel like he is going off to summer camp instead of six hours of school!
Walking to the car.
Crossing the street to go into school.
About to get in the car at home. Cheerful and ready to go!
Jonathan and me before we left for school. No makeup, and I cried my eyes out (not just about school starting, but about the long and rotten day I had...) last night... but I still like this picture because Jonathan is so handsome in it!
This was the self-portrait, handprint and name he created during his evaluation Monday. Now, I know he writes some of his letters upside down and backwards, but Dave and I both think this was cut out and pasted upside down. We've never seen him write his name like this! But I LOVE his self-portrait! I think it actually looks like him. The head proportion, the size of the ears, the unruly hair... So sweet!
The picture of Jonathan on the bulletin board outside his classroom. His teacher took this at his evaluation.
Overall, a great start to his school career! I am so proud of him today! He walked right in, found his name on his cubby hole and put his backpack in there. Then he walked around until he located his name at his desk, and took a seat. He was happy to see one of his best buds from VPK in his class. I think he will come home tired but I think he will have a very good day. And I walked out of the building calmly and have not shed one tear! Yay, Jonathan, and Yay, me!
Biscuit and Mutton taking a snooze on their new bed. My Mom is helping my brother move from DC to New Hampshire, so they are staying here with us.
One of Jonathan's creations.
His other creation. Please don't call it a boat. It is a helicopter.
Our last day of summer, and what did we do? A lot of Lego building, lunch with a friend, a trip to Get Fired Up, and then a stop at Incredible Pets. We had a very nice, relaxing day, and I was very pleased that we were able to stay in the air conditioning for most of it! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so no pictures from the pottery place. But when we pick up their creations on Saturday, I will post them on here. Anna painted a butterfly, and Jonathan painted a snail. They spent a lot of time on their work, and did a really nice job! I am excited to pick them up. When we walked back to use the bathroom, they got to see the owner glazing all of the painted pottery blue and they got to see the kilns. At Incredible Pets, I picked up a bunny for them to pet, and it made me miss my two bunnies I had in college. Temporary insanity, I am sure. But I am softening a bit on my No Rodents Allowed stance... I mean, really, how much more creepy is a gerbil than a hermit crab? Have you ever seen a hermit crab out of its shell? Much, much creepier looking!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
School started in our county today, but not for Jonathan or Anna. Kindergarten starts on Thursday. Anna's school starts a week from today. Today was Jonathan's meeting (evaluation) with his teacher. I gave him a bath, and he sat very still so I could trim his fingernails. He told me he wanted his nails to look clean and not dirty because he likes meeting new teachers. Then he asked me if he could wear a Polo shirt and also asked if I could put some product in his hair. We dropped Anna off at my Mom's and drove to his school. When we pulled into the parking lot, he asked, Are you leaving me here today? I said, No, not until Thursday. Oh, okay, he said, dejectedly, looking a little bummed. He put on his backpack, packed with various school supplies, on his back and jumped out of the car. I reached for his hand as we walked towards the front doors, and he took it at first and then got all embarassed and dropped it! He said, I don't want to hold hands, Mama.
Well, okay then!
We got to his classroom, he shook his teacher's hand (Poppa Ed is up in heaven smiling and proud right now!), and went right in the classroom with her. Oh, I guess I will just wait out here in the hall then! He finished his evaluation, and as he was walking out to meet me, I heard him explaining to his teacher that his scissors were not the right brand. He said it apologetically, like, I try my best, but I really can't help what my parents do... She reassured him that it was okay they were Target and not Fiskars brand. (I really tried! They were sold out! It's not like I sent a pair of kitchen shears in there!) He shook his teacher's hand again, and then she gave me some information. She said on the first day it is all right if I want to walk him to the classroom door, but to say goodbye quickly and not to dilly-dally. As we walked out to the car, I said, well, Mama will walk you in on the first day, but then you can start taking the car loop. He said, Can't you just use the car loop on the first day? Cause I would really rather just take the bus.
Well, okay then!
I guess I should be grateful that Jonathan is making this so easy for me!
Well, okay then!
We got to his classroom, he shook his teacher's hand (Poppa Ed is up in heaven smiling and proud right now!), and went right in the classroom with her. Oh, I guess I will just wait out here in the hall then! He finished his evaluation, and as he was walking out to meet me, I heard him explaining to his teacher that his scissors were not the right brand. He said it apologetically, like, I try my best, but I really can't help what my parents do... She reassured him that it was okay they were Target and not Fiskars brand. (I really tried! They were sold out! It's not like I sent a pair of kitchen shears in there!) He shook his teacher's hand again, and then she gave me some information. She said on the first day it is all right if I want to walk him to the classroom door, but to say goodbye quickly and not to dilly-dally. As we walked out to the car, I said, well, Mama will walk you in on the first day, but then you can start taking the car loop. He said, Can't you just use the car loop on the first day? Cause I would really rather just take the bus.
Well, okay then!
I guess I should be grateful that Jonathan is making this so easy for me!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
What Not to Do...
When your firstborn is starting kindergarten...
Do NOT do the following:
a.) Clean out closets and drawers to get rid of old clothing that he has outgrown.
b.) Do not continue to the boxes stored in closet of baby clothes and other baby items, which he has outgrown 5 years ago.
c.) If you are foolish enough to have completed a.) and b.):
Absolutely, DO NOT proceed to look at all the old files of baby pictures on your computer!
If you choose to do any combination of the above, expect tears and mild hysteria! Have chocolate, tissues, and possibly a nice glass of wine on hand!
Do NOT do the following:
a.) Clean out closets and drawers to get rid of old clothing that he has outgrown.
b.) Do not continue to the boxes stored in closet of baby clothes and other baby items, which he has outgrown 5 years ago.
c.) If you are foolish enough to have completed a.) and b.):
Absolutely, DO NOT proceed to look at all the old files of baby pictures on your computer!
If you choose to do any combination of the above, expect tears and mild hysteria! Have chocolate, tissues, and possibly a nice glass of wine on hand!
Baby Pictures of Jonathan
This is how we took Jonathan to the beach. Notice the hat, the bib, the Pack n Play, and the beach towels that we completely draped over the top. I peeled back the protective covering so we could get a picture. He was also drinking some ice water and had SPF 50 on. This just makes me laugh now! We were so overprotective in some ways, but then SO clueless in other ways.
This was the first time he ever wore shoes!
Jonathan loved his Exersaucer! He was out working on the garden with us. March 2004, about 5 months old. The hat he was wearing was my absolute favorite of all of his hats!
Jonathan loved giving us kisses! They were very slobbery, and really, he was just trying to eat our noses! But we loved it so much.

Jonathan and Dave in the backyard before Christmas Eve service. Jonathan was NOT feeling happy!
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