More pictures taken out of our moving car off of Causeway.

So this has been the big entertainment the past week or so: ice. Jonathan started freezing Lego men in cups of water before he went to bed at night, and then in the morning, he gets the cups out of the freezer, and they empty the ice shapes with the toys stuck instead into a bowl, and they let it melt. It has been very fascinating to both of them. Jonathan is holding a part of the packaging from a cell phone. He asked Dave if he could keep it last week, and he filled it up with water and said he has made a pool with a hot tub. Then he froze it.

This is where he froze a ball that was floating on top of the cup of water. Then he got the ball out of the ice, and used running water to melt the ice and to create a tunnel through the ice.

Jonathan is checking out the shapes his pool and hot tub made when dumped out of their container.
Anna froze some of her My Little Ponies, and also Jasmine, the princess from Aladdin.

This is where Jonathan was trying to hold onto the ice so I could get a picture of it but it was so cold! C'mon, Mama! Take the picture!

My little man.

Lego guy stuck in ice.

The kids and I have been sick all this week, so we have missed swim lessons, dance class, have not been able to go to the beach, or anywhere really... but they still find ways to amuse themselves. They are really so funny and smart. I love the age they are at and how they are learning to negotiate with each other and work out their conflicts. I never watch TV during the day, because the drama and the comedy that plays out between the two of them keeps me occupied and entertained. And really, they learned so much through this whole freezing and melting experiment. I was amused at how they would put their stuff in the freezer before they went to bed and then get their yellow Little Tykes chair and open the freezer up in the morning to find it frozen solid. I figured Jonathan would forget about the very first Lego man he froze, and months from now, I would pull out a little plastic cup with a Lego guy inside, and remember this summer. But my children are nothing if they aren't focused.
Today at lunch, Anna was choosing to ignore Dave and I. I told her, You have to listen to us. Daddy and I are your LEADERS. (I think I chose this phrase because we were at Burger King and they are having a big Transformers promotion.) She said, No! We are the leaders. Jonathan and I. You and Daddy are NOT our leaders. Well then! I said, Oh, yes, we ARE and you have to listen to us and obey! And then she comes back with, You can't be the LEADERS AND THE WORKERS! Where does she get this stuff?
So this has been the big entertainment the past week or so: ice. Jonathan started freezing Lego men in cups of water before he went to bed at night, and then in the morning, he gets the cups out of the freezer, and they empty the ice shapes with the toys stuck instead into a bowl, and they let it melt. It has been very fascinating to both of them. Jonathan is holding a part of the packaging from a cell phone. He asked Dave if he could keep it last week, and he filled it up with water and said he has made a pool with a hot tub. Then he froze it.
This is where he froze a ball that was floating on top of the cup of water. Then he got the ball out of the ice, and used running water to melt the ice and to create a tunnel through the ice.
Jonathan is checking out the shapes his pool and hot tub made when dumped out of their container.
This is where Jonathan was trying to hold onto the ice so I could get a picture of it but it was so cold! C'mon, Mama! Take the picture!
My little man.
Lego guy stuck in ice.
The kids and I have been sick all this week, so we have missed swim lessons, dance class, have not been able to go to the beach, or anywhere really... but they still find ways to amuse themselves. They are really so funny and smart. I love the age they are at and how they are learning to negotiate with each other and work out their conflicts. I never watch TV during the day, because the drama and the comedy that plays out between the two of them keeps me occupied and entertained. And really, they learned so much through this whole freezing and melting experiment. I was amused at how they would put their stuff in the freezer before they went to bed and then get their yellow Little Tykes chair and open the freezer up in the morning to find it frozen solid. I figured Jonathan would forget about the very first Lego man he froze, and months from now, I would pull out a little plastic cup with a Lego guy inside, and remember this summer. But my children are nothing if they aren't focused.
Today at lunch, Anna was choosing to ignore Dave and I. I told her, You have to listen to us. Daddy and I are your LEADERS. (I think I chose this phrase because we were at Burger King and they are having a big Transformers promotion.) She said, No! We are the leaders. Jonathan and I. You and Daddy are NOT our leaders. Well then! I said, Oh, yes, we ARE and you have to listen to us and obey! And then she comes back with, You can't be the LEADERS AND THE WORKERS! Where does she get this stuff?
I have been having this same struggle (You can't be a worker and a leader) with the nursery ministry... I have been coordinator since October 2007 and sometimes I just can't find a balance between being a worker and a leader. I think I am just more naturally comfortable hanging back and being a worker. But it has been very good for me, a lot of growing and stretching (like A LOT A LOT!) and I think I have done an okay job so far, and I have learned a lot. But I have struggled the most with getting myself out of the role of working with the children and into the tasks that being the coordinator requires. Some of that has simply been a growing number of children without a growing number of volunteers, and since I feel responsible for the nursery being safe and well-staffed, I just automatically fill in any gaps in the schedule. But THEN I am not able to recruit new volunteers, or get new volunteers trained and worked into the schedule effectively. Or if we are short volunteers, how do I go and lasso some up when I am one of the ones holding a baby? So I did work today in the nursery, and I was overwhelmed with stress because I was trying to help our volunteers take care of 14 babies and toddlers, and I had this big to-do list, but obviously I could not accomplish any of that because I was, well, working. I am making some changes this quarter that I think will help, and I think some recent events have finally made me get it that I need to be freed up to focus on certain tasks, and I really can't do them, because I am doing the actual work of taking care of the children, tearing down the nursery (we are a portable church). One AWESOME FANTASTIC SUPER DUPER thing is that one of my volunteers (Jacqui Dear!) that I really enjoy being around and consider a dear friend, has stepped up and is now going to split the coordinating duties with me. And two other volunteers are going to take over some of the coordinating duties one Sunday morning a month. So now, I will be free to be a leader, and not only a worker, (because as my wise little 3 year old says, you simply cannot be both!) although really, walk into our church before service starts, and you will see that every one there, leader or not, is definitely WORKING! We sweat it out there! I've certainly gotten to know a lot of people a lot better than I ever would have before, and that is part of what makes being portable a wonderful, though challenging, transition for our church.
Another thing this week: I quit the gym. I decided that Curves does not work for my schedule, and because of their limited hours and complete lack of childcare, I just can't get my workouts in there. I really like walking and yoga better anyway, and I could go to 9 yoga classes a month for the same price they are charging me to um, never go there. Maybe it seems dumb to quit the gym when you are at your fattest weight EVER (seriously, I am chunkylicious, as you may have seen on Facebook this week!). But I just could not take the guilt anymore: I should go to the gym, I'm wasting money... And it is so far from my house! I am also thinking of dropping one of the two classes I signed up for this fall. I don't want to be gone two evenings a week, especially as Jonathan makes the transition to full day kindergarten. I am halfway through my online class that I took this summer, and it is going pretty well. I like online classes, but I am a little annoyed at how much they force you to actually read the textbook. Without teacher lectures or any sort of classroom, you become very textbook dependant. I have my midterm tomorrow night, before I leave for Kansas in the morning. I still can't believe I am going to Kansas on Tuesday! I had no intention to travel this summer, but I am excited to go. I just need to make Dave a giant vat of pasta sauce before I go to sustain him while I am gone. And study for my midterm (haven't started that yet, uh-oh). Pack all the suitcases. Finish up several other tasks for nursery before I leave. Try to do that silly thing we all do where I try to get the entire house clean before I go. Meanwhile, I am trying to recover from this awful cold! Anna and I are both on Z-paks and I was up till 3:30 last morning coughing my head off. Lovely. So, summer so far, has been both fun and challenging. I am happy that the kids have been able to spend so much time with their cousins. I am happy that they have been able to be so active in the pool and at the beach. We had a great visit from my Uncle Leroy and my new Aunt Sue, then my fabulous BFF came from North Carolina with her boys. Then of course, Dave and I took off for our fabulous trip to Amelia Island, and then back here for this week of sickness, and then now we are off to Kansas for a week. All the while we are praying and waiting expectantly, hopefully, so excited, for our baby niece Dooley to be born. She may make her arrival pretty soon... Jennifer is being so strong and she has made it past 32 weeks and her health has held fairly steady, although we know her condition is very serious. My mother-in-law Jane came down from KY to Savannah to stay with Jennifer through her bed rest and hospitalization. I think she is staying until the baby is born. We continue to pray for Baby Girl Dooley's safe arrival and the health and well-being of her Mom, Jennifer, and we appreciate those of you who have been praying along with us.
Another thing this week: I quit the gym. I decided that Curves does not work for my schedule, and because of their limited hours and complete lack of childcare, I just can't get my workouts in there. I really like walking and yoga better anyway, and I could go to 9 yoga classes a month for the same price they are charging me to um, never go there. Maybe it seems dumb to quit the gym when you are at your fattest weight EVER (seriously, I am chunkylicious, as you may have seen on Facebook this week!). But I just could not take the guilt anymore: I should go to the gym, I'm wasting money... And it is so far from my house! I am also thinking of dropping one of the two classes I signed up for this fall. I don't want to be gone two evenings a week, especially as Jonathan makes the transition to full day kindergarten. I am halfway through my online class that I took this summer, and it is going pretty well. I like online classes, but I am a little annoyed at how much they force you to actually read the textbook. Without teacher lectures or any sort of classroom, you become very textbook dependant. I have my midterm tomorrow night, before I leave for Kansas in the morning. I still can't believe I am going to Kansas on Tuesday! I had no intention to travel this summer, but I am excited to go. I just need to make Dave a giant vat of pasta sauce before I go to sustain him while I am gone. And study for my midterm (haven't started that yet, uh-oh). Pack all the suitcases. Finish up several other tasks for nursery before I leave. Try to do that silly thing we all do where I try to get the entire house clean before I go. Meanwhile, I am trying to recover from this awful cold! Anna and I are both on Z-paks and I was up till 3:30 last morning coughing my head off. Lovely. So, summer so far, has been both fun and challenging. I am happy that the kids have been able to spend so much time with their cousins. I am happy that they have been able to be so active in the pool and at the beach. We had a great visit from my Uncle Leroy and my new Aunt Sue, then my fabulous BFF came from North Carolina with her boys. Then of course, Dave and I took off for our fabulous trip to Amelia Island, and then back here for this week of sickness, and then now we are off to Kansas for a week. All the while we are praying and waiting expectantly, hopefully, so excited, for our baby niece Dooley to be born. She may make her arrival pretty soon... Jennifer is being so strong and she has made it past 32 weeks and her health has held fairly steady, although we know her condition is very serious. My mother-in-law Jane came down from KY to Savannah to stay with Jennifer through her bed rest and hospitalization. I think she is staying until the baby is born. We continue to pray for Baby Girl Dooley's safe arrival and the health and well-being of her Mom, Jennifer, and we appreciate those of you who have been praying along with us.
SO that is our summer so far. We hope you all are having a lovely, happy, and safe summer!